I don't know if it helps, but Ulrich Drepper had a 9 part series about memory in Linux Weekly News (http://lwn.net). You can under all 9 linked under his name in the Guest archives (http://lwn.net/Archives/GuestIndex/) as not all are linked together. The first one is:

What every programmer should know about memory, Part 1 <http://lwn.net/Articles/250967/> (September 21, 2007)

In part 5 there was a comment on 'Cache-oblivious algorithms' by *akapoor*:

"i guess it's worth mentioning harald-prokop's 1999 thesis on "cache oblivious 


Francesc Alted wrote:
A Friday 09 May 2008, Andrew Straw escrigué:
I've got a big element array (25 million int64s) that searchsorted()
takes a long time to grind through. After a bit of digging in the
literature and the numpy source code, I believe that searchsorted()
is implementing a classic binary search, which is pretty bad in terms
of cache misses. There are several modern implementations of binary
search which arrange items in memory such that cache misses are much
more rare. Clearly making such an indexing arrangement would take
time, but in my particular case, I can spare the time to create an
index if searching was faster, since I'd make the index once but do
the searching many times.

Is there an implementation of such an algorithm that works easilty
with numpy? Also, can you offer any advice, suggestions, and comments
to me if I attempted to implement such an algorithm?

Well, if you can afford extra space for the hashes you can always use a dictionary for doing the lookups. In pure Python they are around 3x faster (for arrays of 8 millions of elements) than binary searches. If your space is tight, you can build an extension (for example in Pyrex) for doing binary search for your specific type (int64), for an small improvement. Finally, if you combine this approach with what is suggesting Charles Harris (i.e. creating several levels of caches, but not more than two, which in my experience works best), you can have pretty optimal lookups with relatively low space overhead.

See this thread for a discussion of the binary/hash lookup approaches:


Hope that helps,

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