Hi all,

On May 19, 2008, at 3:39 PM, Christopher Burns wrote:

> I've built a Mac binary for the 1.1 release candidate.  Mac users,
> please test it from:
> https://cirl.berkeley.edu/numpy/numpy-1.1.0rc1-py2.5-macosx10.5.dmg
> This is for the MacPython installed from python.org.

 From System Profiler ---
Hardware Overview:

   Model Name:  MacBook Pro
   Model Identifier:    MacBookPro3,1
   Processor Name:      Intel Core 2 Duo

Running 10.5.2

Uneventful installation, tests as follows ---

 >>> np.test()
Numpy is installed in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/ 
Numpy version 1.1.0rc1
Python version 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Feb 22 2008, 07:57:53) [GCC 4.0.1  
(Apple Computer, Inc. build 5363)]

--- skipping details ---

Ran 1004 tests in 1.939s

<unittest._TextTestResult run=1004 errors=0 failures=0>


Thanks to all for the hard work.

Bob Pyle

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