Hi Andrea,

2008/5/23  "Andrea Gavana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> And so on. The probelm with this approach is that I lose the original
> indices for which I want all the inequality tests to succeed:

To have the original indices you just need to re-index your indices, as it were

idx = flatnonzero(xCent >= xMin)
idx = idx[flatnonzero(xCent[idx] <= xMax)]
idx = idx[flatnonzero(yCent[idx] >= yMin)]
idx = idx[flatnonzero(yCent[idx] <= yMax)]
(I haven't tested this code, apologies for bugs)

However, there is a performance penalty for doing all this re-indexing
(I once fell afoul of this), and if these conditions "mostly" evaluate
to True you can often be better off with one of the solutions already

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