Good to hear from you.

There are no particular reason why maximum/minimum/default_fill_value 
functions should stay in limbo, I'll put them in __all__. I'll also try to 
implement the accumulate/reduceat functions for maximum/minimum, using the 
work you've done on _extrema_functions.

Your question raises a good point: is there any consensus on using __all__ 
instead of the module namespace ?


On Thursday 19 June 2008 18:55:59 Reggie Dugard wrote:
> This is just a minor question/problem with the new in version
> 1.1.0.
> Because maximum and minimum in ma lack an accumulate attribute, I've
> duplicated the functionality using the
> maximum_fill_value/minimum_fill_value functions and doing something
> like:
>, x.mask)
> In version 1.0.4 of numpy, maximum_fill_value/minimum_fill_value were
> located in ma's namespace so the above line would work.  In the latest
> version,  the ma module has an __all__ which does not include
> maximum_fill_value/minimum_fill_value and I'm forced to get them from
> (which doesn't seem like a very clean way of doing it).
> So I guess my question is:  was this done intentionally and if so why,
> or can these functions be added to __all__ to get the old behavior
> back.
> Thanks for your help with this.

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