
I am very pleased to announce that Traits 3.0 has just been released!

All Traits projects have been registered with PyPi (aka The Cheeseshop)
and each project's listing on PyPi currently includes a source
tarball.   In the near future, we will also upload binary eggs for
Windows and Mac OS X platforms.  Installation of Traits 3.0 is now as
simple as:
    easy_install Traits

The Traits projects include:



The Traits project is at the center of all Enthought Tool Suite
development and has changed the mental model used at Enthought for
programming in the already extremely efficient Python programming
language. We encourage everyone to join us in enjoying the productivity
gains from using such a powerful approach.

The Traits project allows Python programmers to use a special kind of
type definition called a trait, which gives object attributes some
additional characteristics:

    * Initialization: A trait has a default value, which is
automatically set as the initial value of an attribute before its first
use in a program.
    * Validation: A trait attribute's type is explicitly declared. The
type is evident in the code, and only values that meet a
programmer-specified set of criteria (i.e., the trait definition) can be
assigned to that attribute.
    * Delegation: The value of a trait attribute can be contained either
in the defining object or in another object delegated to by the trait.
    * Notification: Setting the value of a trait attribute can notify
other parts of the program that the value has changed.
    * Visualization: User interfaces that allow a user to interactively
modify the value of a trait attribute can be automatically constructed
using the trait's definition. (This feature requires that a supported
GUI toolkit be installed. If this feature is not used, the Traits
project does not otherwise require GUI support.)

A class can freely mix trait-based attributes with normal Python
attributes, or can opt to allow the use of only a fixed or open set of
trait attributes within the class. Trait attributes defined by a classs
are automatically inherited by any subclass derived from the class.

-- Dave

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