
Mon, 08 Sep 2008 13:35:20 -0400, Blubaugh, David A. wrote:
> Has anyone worked with the F2PY generator?  This is something that is
> supposedly built within numpy and scipy.  I was wondering if anyone has
> had any issues with this environment?

I haven't had any problems with it, and I'm using it daily.

If you have some problems, please give more information, so that we have 
better change to understand what's wrong. For example

- What are you trying to do?

- Which platform are you running f2py on (Windows, Cygwin on Windows,
  Solaris, etc.)

- Which version you have installed. Eg. what does "f2py -v" output?
  And "python -c 'import numpy; print numpy.__version__'"

- The exact commands you typed that didn't work as expected.

- Full output produced by the commands.

- A minimal example, with source code, that should work but fails.

Pauli Virtanen

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