
The Texas Python Regional Unconference is coming up this weekend  
(October 4-5) and I wanted to send out some more details of the  
meeting.  The web page for the meeting is here:

The meeting is _absolutely free_, so please add yourself to the  
Attendees page if you're able to make it.  Also, if you're planning to  
attend, please send me the following information (to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
) so I can request wireless access for you during the meeting:

  - Full Name
  - Phone or email
  - Address
  - Affiliation

There are still opportunities to present your pet projects at the  
meeting, so feel free to sign up on the presentation schedule here:

For those who are in town Friday evening, we're planning to get  
together for a casual dinner in downtown Austin that night.  We'll  
meet at Enthought offices ( 
) and walk to a casual restaurant nearby.  Show up as early as 5:30pm  
and you can hang out and tour the Enthought offices--we'll head out to  
eat at 7:00pm sharp.



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