On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 9:11 AM, Linda Seltzer

> > Here is an example that works for any working numpy installation:
> >
> > import numpy as npy
> > npy.zeros((256, 256))
> This suggestion from David did work so far, and removing the other import
> line enabled the program to run.
> However, the data types the program used as defaults for variables has
> changed, and now I am getting error messages about data types.  It seems
> that some variables are getting a default designation as floats.  Before I
> installed numpy and needed 2-D arrays, the program was working with the
> default types, and I did not have to specify types.

Yes, the default type of the functions zeros and ones have changed from
integer to float. If your program is short you could send it as an
attachment so we could look at it.

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