If you want the indexes, check out the np.where command, e.g.

idx = np.where(dat <= limit)

If you want the values, use:
val = dat[dat <= limit]


Michael wrote:
Hi list,
been playing around with stride_tricks and find it terrifically
productive; thankyou to everyone who has worked on this.
I need to filter some data, getting the indices of all entries which are
less than or equal to 'limit'. How do i best go about that?
Can you enumerate an array using broadcasting?

dat=np.array([  0.           1.61803399   3.23606798   4.85410197
   8.09016994   9.70820393  11.32623792  12.94427191  14.5623059    1.
   0.61803399   2.23606798   3.85410197   5.47213595   7.09016994
   8.70820393  10.32623792  11.94427191  13.5623059    2.
   1.23606798   2.85410197   4.47213595   6.09016994   7.70820393
   9.32623792  10.94427191  12.5623059    3.           1.38196601
   0.23606798   1.85410197   3.47213595   5.09016994   6.70820393
   8.32623792   9.94427191  11.5623059    4.           2.38196601
   0.76393202   0.85410197   2.47213595   4.09016994   5.70820393
   7.32623792   8.94427191  10.5623059    5.           3.38196601
   1.76393202   0.14589803   1.47213595   3.09016994   4.70820393
   6.32623792   7.94427191   9.5623059    6.           4.38196601
   2.76393202   1.14589803   0.47213595   2.09016994   3.70820393
   5.32623792   6.94427191   8.5623059    7.           5.38196601
   3.76393202   2.14589803   0.52786405   1.09016994   2.70820393
   4.32623792   5.94427191   7.5623059    8.           6.38196601
   4.76393202   3.14589803   1.52786405   0.09016994   1.70820393
   3.32623792   4.94427191   6.5623059    9.           7.38196601
   5.76393202   4.14589803   2.52786405   0.90983006   0.70820393
   2.32623792   3.94427191   5.5623059 ])


for i in dat: if i <=limit: print i



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