The fink guys fixed a bug so it now at least builds properly with  
python 2.6.

On Nov 3, 2008, at 1:35 AM, David Cournapeau wrote:

> Michael Abshoff wrote:
>> Unfortunately numpy 1.2.x does not support Python 2.6. IIRC support  
>> is
>> planned for numpy 1.3.
> Also it is true it is not supported, it should at least build on  
> most if
> not all platforms where numpy used to run under python 2.5.
> Not finding -lpython2.6 is more likely a bug/installation problem from
> fink (unless you are ready to deal with multiple version problems of
> python, I would advice against using fink: it makes it difficult to be
> sure there are no conflict between system python, fink python and
> python. It is not impossible, of course, but that  
> complicates
> matters a lot in my own experience).
> cheers,
> David
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