On 12-Nov-08, at 8:18 PM, David Cournapeau wrote:

> On Wed, 2008-11-12 at 19:24 -0500, David Warde-Farley wrote:
>> Indeed, for the size of problem I *thought* I was running, 32 bit
>> would be sufficient. In fact I had my data transposed and so was
>> working with a much larger matrix which would put me past the 32-bit
>> bound.
> Still, ideally, it should not segfault. Can you easily reproduce the
> segfault ?

Odd, I went off to dinner and came to the exact same conclusion in my  
head. "Wait a second, why doesn't it raise a MemoryError?"

I can try and isolate the problem later today into a simple code  
snippet, but it was definitely reproducible, like clockwork.

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