You learn something new every day.  It turns out I had previously been
given wrong information and I apologize for passing that along to the


On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 8:03 PM, Sturla Molden <> wrote:
>>             I'm trying to test out f2py in Windows (python 2.5.4 32-bit
>> for now + most recent Numpy). I'd like to use the Intel
>> compilers, but msvc is fine if needed. I get the output below
>> about which I have a question re: the warning about VS
>> version. I have VS 2008 currently which should have no trouble
>> making binaries compatible with older version of VS(?) Is
>> there any way around this error with VS > 2003?
> Shortly speaking: you must for Python 2.5 link with msvcr71.dll. The
> version of the MSVC compiler is unimportant if you can force it to use
> this CRT. Check your link libraries, and see if you find one for this DLL.
> Otherwise, you need to create a .def file for this DLL and create the link
> library from that. And make sure you don't link with other CRT versions.
> S.M.
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Patrick Marsh
Graduate Research Assistant
School of Meteorology
University of Oklahoma
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