On 2/12/2009 1:44 PM, Sturla Molden wrote:

Here is an example of SciPy's ckdtree.pyx modified to use OpenMP.

It seems I managed to post an errorneous C file. :(

 *              Parallel query for faster kd-tree searches on SMP computers.
 *              This function will release the GIL around the lengthy query 
loop and 
 *              use OpenMP for multithreading.
 *              OpenMP is supported on GCC (since version 4.2) and MS Visual 
C++ 2005 
 *              and later. Mingw builds of GCC supports OpenMP through a pthread
 *              layer (pthreadGC2.dll). 
 *      Compile with -fopenmp and link -lgomp -lpthread on GCC.
 *      Written by Sturla Molden, Univ. Oslo, Jan. 24 2009      
 *      This code is released to public domain.

#include <Python.h>
#include <omp.h>

typedef void (*queryfun_t)(void *self, double *result_distances,
        int*result_indices, double*x, int k, double eps, double p, double 

void parallel_query(queryfun_t query, int nthreads, int niter, void *self, 
        int *result_indices, double*x, int k, int m, double eps, double p, 
double distance_upper_bound)
        int c;

        /* allow the number of threads to be specified */
        if (nthreads == 0) {
                Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS {
                        #pragma omp parallel for private(c) schedule(guided)
                        for (c=0; c<niter; c++) {
                                (*query)(self, result_distances + c*k, 
result_indices + c*k, x + c*m, k, 
                                           eps, p, distance_upper_bound);
                } Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS
        } else {
                /* parallel queries with GIL released */
                Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS {
                        #pragma omp parallel for private(c) schedule(guided) 
                        for (c=0; c<niter; c++) {
                                (*query)(self, result_distances + c*k, 
result_indices + c*k, x + c*m, k, 
                                           eps, p, distance_upper_bound);
                } Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS

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