Pauli and David,

Can this indexing syntax do things that are otherwise awkward with the
current syntax ? Otherwise, I'm not warm to the idea of making indexing more
complex than it is.

getv : this is useful but it feels a bit redundant with numpy.take. Is there
a reason why take could not support slices ?

Drop_last: I don't think it is worth cluttering the namespace with a one

append_one: A generalized stack method with broadcasting capability would be
more useful in my opinion, eg. ``np.stack(x, 1., axis=1)``

zcen: This is indeed useful, particulary in its nd form, that is, when it
can be applied to multiples axes to find the center of a 2D or 3D cell in
one call. I'm appending the version I use below.



# This code is released in the public domain.
import numpy as np
def __midpoints_1d(a):
    """Return `a` linearly interpolated at the mid-points."""
    return (a[:-1] + a[1:])/2.

def midpoints(a,  axis=None):
    """Return `a` linearly interpolated at the mid-points.

    a : array-like
      Input array.
    axis : int or None
      Axis along which the interpolation takes place. None stands for all

    out : ndarray
      Input array interpolated at the midpoints along the given axis.

    >>> a = [1,2,3,4]
    >>> midpoints(a)
    array([1.5, 2.5, 3.5])
    x = np.asarray(a)
    if axis is not None:
        return np.apply_along_axis(__midpoints_1d,  axis, x)
        for i in range(x.ndim):
            x = midpoints(x,  i)
        return x

On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 6:54 AM, Pauli Virtanen <> wrote:

> Wed, 13 May 2009 13:18:45 -0700, David J Strozzi kirjoitti:
> [clip]
> > Many of you probably know of the interpreter yorick by Dave Munro. As a
> > Livermoron, I use it all the time.  There are some built-in functions
> > there, analogous to but above and beyond numpy's sum() and diff(), which
> > are quite useful for common operations on gridded data. Of course one
> > can write their own, but maybe they should be cleanly canonized?
> +0 from me for zcen and other, having small functions probably won't hurt
>   much
> [clip]
> > Besides zcen, yorick has builtins for "point centering", "un-zone
> > centering," etc.  Also, due to its slick syntax you can give these
> > things as array "indexes":
> >
> > x(zcen), y(dif), z(:,sum,:)
> I think you can easily subclass numpy.ndarray to offer the same feature,
> see below. I don't know if we want to add this feature (indexing with
> callables) to the Numpy's fancy indexing itself. Thoughts?
> -----
> import numpy as np
> import inspect
> class YNdarray(np.ndarray):
>    """
>    A subclass of ndarray that implements Yorick-like indexing with
> functions.
>    Beware: not adequately tested...
>    """
>    def __getitem__(self, key_):
>        if not isinstance(key_, tuple):
>            key = (key_,)
>            scalar_key = True
>        else:
>            key = key_
>            scalar_key = False
>        key = list(key)
>        # expand ellipsis manually
>        while Ellipsis in key:
>            j = key.index(Ellipsis)
>            key[j:j+1] = [slice(None)] * (self.ndim - len(key))
>        # handle reducing or mutating callables
>        arr = self
>        new_key = []
>        real_axis = 0
>        for j, v in enumerate(key):
>            if callable(v):
>                arr2 = self._reduce_axis(arr, v, real_axis)
>                new_key.extend([slice(None)] * (arr2.ndim - arr.ndim + 1))
>                arr = arr2
>            elif v is not None:
>                real_axis += 1
>                new_key.append(v)
>            else:
>                new_key.append(v)
>        # final get
>        if scalar_key:
>            return np.ndarray.__getitem__(arr, new_key[0])
>        else:
>            return np.ndarray.__getitem__(arr, tuple(new_key))
>    def _reduce_axis(self, arr, func, axis):
>        return func(arr, axis=axis)
> x = np.arange(2*3*4).reshape(2,3,4).view(YNdarray)
> # Now,
> assert np.allclose(x[np.sum,...], np.sum(x, axis=0))
> assert np.allclose(x[:,np.sum,:], np.sum(x, axis=1))
> assert np.allclose(x[:,:,np.sum], np.sum(x, axis=2))
> assert np.allclose(x[:,np.sum,None,np.sum],
> x.sum(axis=1).sum(axis=1)[:,None])
> def get(v, s, axis=0):
>    """Index `v` with slice `s` along given axis"""
>    ix = [slice(None)] * v.ndim
>    ix[axis] = s
>    return v[ix]
> def drop_last(v, axis=0):
>    """Remove one element from given array in given dimension"""
>    return get(v, slice(None, -1), axis)
> assert np.allclose(x[:,drop_last,:], x[:,:-1,:])
> def zcen(v, axis=0):
>    return .5*(get(v, slice(None,-1), axis) + get(v, slice(1,None), axis))
> assert np.allclose(x[0,1,zcen], .5*(x[0,1,1:] + x[0,1,:-1]))
> def append_one(v, axis=0):
>    """Append one element to the given array in given dimension,
>    fill with ones"""
>    new_shape = list(v.shape)
>    new_shape[axis] += 1
>    v2 = np.empty(new_shape, dtype=v.dtype)
>    get(v2, slice(None, -1), axis)[:] = v
>    get(v2, -1, axis)[:] = 1
>    return v2
> assert np.allclose(x[:,np.diff,0], np.diff(x.view(np.ndarray)[:,:,0],
> axis=1))
> assert np.allclose(x[0,append_one,:], [[0,1,2,3],
>                                       [4,5,6,7],
>                                       [8,9,10,11],
>                                       [1,1,1,1]])
> assert np.allclose(x[:,append_one,0], [[0,4,8,1],
>                                       [12,16,20,1]])
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