> On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 8:52 PM, Brennan
> Williams<> wrote:
>> Hi
>> No doubt asked many times before so apologies....
>> I'm pulling a subset array out of a data array where I have a list of
>> the indices I want (could be an array rather than a list actually - I
>> have it in both).
>> Potentially the number of points and the number of times I do this can
>> get very large so any saving in time is good.
>> So, paraphrasing what I've currently got.... say I have...
>> subsetpointerlist=[0,1,2,5,8,15,25...]
>> subsetsize=len(subsetpointerlist)
>> subsetarray=zeros(subsetsize,dtype=float)
>> for index,pos in enumerate(subsetpointerlist):
>>  subsetarray[index]=dataarray[pos]
>> How do I speed this up in numpy, i.e. by removing the for loop?
>> Do I set up some sort of a subsetpointerarray as a mask and then somehow
>> apply that to dataarray to get the values into subsetarray?
>> Thanks
>> Brennan
> looks to me like
> subsetarray = dataarray[subsetpointerlist]
> or with type conversion
> subsetarray = dataarray[subsetpointerlist].astype(float)
> Josef
Thanks, with a little bit of googling/rtfm I'm getting there. Think I 
overdid my thinking on mask based on something else that Robert Kern 
helped me out with.
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