Hi all,

as you may recall, there have been recently a number of requests for
videotaping the conference.

I am very happy to announce that we will indeed have full video
coverage this year of both tutorial tracks as well as the main talks
(minus any specific talk where a speaker may object to being taped,
since we'll respect such objections if they are made).

Jeff Teeters and Kilian Koepsell from UC Berkeley, who have in the
past made recordings like these of one of my workshops and a recent
talk by Gael :


are going to perform the work.

I'd like to sincerely thank:

- Jeff and Kilian for offering to do this work and providing some of
the recording equipment.

- The Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, which provided
other equipment.

- Enthought, who are funding this on very short notice!!!  (Especially
Dave Peterson and Eric Jones, who tolerated my last minute nags very
graciously).  Without Enthought's last-minute support, this would
simply not be happening.

I really appreciate that everyone involved worked on short notice to
make this possible, I hope the entire community will benefit from
these resources being available.

Best regards,

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