Is it intended for deserialization to uncouple arrays that share a 
common base?  For example:

 >>> import numpy, cPickle as p
 >>> a = numpy.array([1, 2, 3])   # base array
 >>> b = a[:]                     # view one
 >>> b
array([1, 2, 3])
 >>> c = a[::-1]                  # view two
 >>> c
array([3, 2, 1])
 >>> b.base is c.base

Arrays in b and c now share a common base, so changing the contents of 
one affects the other:

 >>> b[0] = 10
 >>> b
array([10,  2,  3])
 >>> c
array([ 3,  2, 10])

After serialization, the two arrays are effectively uncoupled, creating 
a different situation than before serialization:

 >>> d, e = p.loads(p.dumps((b, c), -1))
 >>> d
array([10,  2,  3])
 >>> e
array([ 3,  2, 10])
 >>> d.base is e.base

 >>> d[0] = 11
 >>> d
array([11,  2,  3])
 >>> e
array([ 3,  2, 10])

Is this behavior intentional, or is it an artifact of the 
implementation?  Can it be relied upon not to change in a future release?
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