On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 7:19 PM, jah <jah.mailingl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Suppose I have a set of x,y,c data (something useful for
> matplotlib.pyplot.plot() ).  Generally, this data is not rectangular at
> all.  Does there exist a numpy function (or set of functions) which will
> take this data and construct the smallest two-dimensional arrays X,Y,C (
> suitable for matplotlib.pyplot.contour() ).
> Essentially, I want to pass in the data and a grid step size in the x- and
> y-directions.  The function would average the c-values for all points which
> land in any particular square.  Optionally, I'd like to be able to specify a
> value to use when there are no points in x,y which are in the square.
> Hope this makes sense.

If I understand correctly  numpy.histogram2d(x, y, ..., weights=c) might do
what you want.

There was a recent thread on its usage.


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