On 23-Dec-09, at 2:19 PM, David Goldsmith wrote:

> Thanks Anne (and Dave): it may seem to you to be "a bit silly to dream
> up an API without implementing anything," but I think it's useful to
> get these things "on the record" so to speak, and as a person charged
> with being especially concerned w/ the doc, it's particularly
> important for me to hear when its specific deficiencies are
> productivity blockers...

In fact, there are gufuncs in the tests that are quite instructive and  
would form the basis of good documentation, though not enough of them  
to give a complete picture of what the generalized ufunc architecture  
can do (I remember looking for an example of a particular supported  
pattern and coming up short, though I can't for the life of me  
remember which).

The existing documentation, plus source code from the umath_tests  
module marked up descriptively (what all the parameters do, especially  
the ones which currently receive magic numbers) would probably be the  
way to go down the road.

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