Apologies for off topic posting but I think this in an important project.

Python programmers are required immediately for assistance in coding a
disaster management framework for the Earthquake in Haiti.

>From http://wiki.python.org/moin/VolunteerOpportunities:
URGENT REQUEST, Sahana Disaster Management System, Haiti Earthquake

*Job Description*:This is an urgent call for experienced Python programmers
to help in the Sahana Disaster Management System immediately - knowledge of
Web2Py <http://wiki.python.org/moin/Web2Py> platform would be best. The
Sahana Disaster Management System is used to coordinate relief efforts.
Please recruit any available programmers for the Haiti effort as quickly as
possible and have them contact me immediately so that I can put them in
touch with the correct people. Thank you kindly and I do hope that we can
quickly identify some contributors for this monumental effort - they are
needed ASAP.

http://sahanapy.org/ is the developer site and the demo is


   *Contact*: Connie White, PhD, Institute for Emergency Preparedness,
   Jacksonville State University

   *E-mail contact*: connie.m.wh...@gmail.com

   *Web*: http://sahanapy.org/


Please help if you can.

-Peter Clarke
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

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