On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 11:28 AM, denis <denis-bz...@t-online.de> wrote:
> On 17/01/2010 18:57, Wayne Watson wrote:
>> I was just looking at the (Win) Python documentation via the Help on
>> IDLE, and a Global Module Index. Does anything like that exist for
>> numpy, matplotlib, scipy?
> Wayne, folks,
>   may I second the wish / the need for searching thousands of functions.
> Fwiw, grep makes a crude but very fast source tree browser:
> 1) grep class + def + first docstring lines in numpy/...py (re, no import);
> this looks like
>        -- numpy/compat/setupscons.py
>        def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
>        -- numpy/core/arrayprint.py
>        def product(x, y): return x*y
>        def set_printoptions(precision=None, threshold=None, edgeitems=None,
>        def get_printoptions():
>            """ Return the current print options.
>        def array2string(a, max_line_width = None, precision = None,
>        ...
> 2) grep2 that, i.e. grep + previous ^-- line.
> numpy.defs is 6k lines, 230k, grep time ~ .25 sec.
> What do we really want --
>  - a source browser GUI, pyqt or webbrowser
>  - or a better text pydoc
>  - or full-text search -- Robert Kern has suggested his Whoosh
> ?
> We could get together a table of existing GUIs and desiderata,
> sort by sum(features) / time-to-write-a-manual (not time-to-hack).
> Or,
>        o'er forms of doc let fools contest,
>        what's best written is the best.
> cheers
>   -- denis

htmlhelp (of the docs) has all of the above at least on Windows,
except for source browsing (I use spyder for functions that are source

Isn't there a Linux equivalent?

I haven't use np.lookfor or np.source in a long time.


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