On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 11:22 AM, Jarrod Millman <mill...@berkeley.edu>wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 10:06 AM, Charles R Harris
> <charlesr.har...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Let me propose a schedule:
> >
> > 1.4.1 : Bug fix, no datetime, ~4-6wks from now.
> > 2.0 : API break, datetime, hasobject changes, April - May timeframe
> > 2.1 : Python 3K - Fall
> I like your schedule in general.  The only change I would suggest is
> releasing 1.4.1 ASAP with just datetime removed.  We can always
> release a 1.4.2 with more bugfixes later.  I like getting a 2.0 out in
> April-May with API break, datetime, and hasobject changes.  It gives
> us time to communicate with all the other packagers and doesn't
> prevent us from quickly getting datetime out.  The only thing I would
> suggest is that we try to get at least experimental support for Py3k
> out with the 2.0 release in April-May (even in an unreleased branch).
> That way other projects (scipy, matplotlib, etc) could potentially
> work on Py3k support over the summer as well.
I put 1.4.1 4-6 wks out to give the apprentice release guys some time. Also,
there are some small fixes that should go in, Travis' commits from this
morning, for instance. Lets say a code freeze a week from monday, release as
soon as possible after.

Realistically, I don't think Py3k will be ready by April-May. Fall is
probably doable and maybe there will be some things for a SOC person to work
on this summer.

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