On Sat, Feb 6, 2010 at 8:29 AM,  <josef.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 6, 2010 at 8:07 AM, Francesc Alted <fal...@pytables.org> wrote:
>> A Saturday 06 February 2010 13:17:22 David Cournapeau escrigué:
>>> On Sat, Feb 6, 2010 at 4:07 PM, Travis Oliphant <oliph...@enthought.com>
>> wrote:
>>> > I think this plan is the least disruptive and satisfies the concerns
>>> > of all parties in the discussion.  The other plans that have been
>>> > proposed do not address my concerns of keeping the date-time changes
>>> In that regard, your proposal is very similar to what was suggested at
>>> the beginning - the difference is only whether breaking at 1.4.x or
>>> 1.5.x.
>> I'm thinking why should we so conservative in raising version numbers?  Why
>> not relabeling 1.4.0 to 2.0 and mark 1.4.0 as a broken release?  Then, we can
>> continue by putting everything except ABI breaking features in 1.4.1.  With
>> this, NumPy 2.0 will remain available for people wanting to be more on-the-
>> bleeding-edge.  Something similar to what has happened with Python 3.0, which
>> has not prevented the 2.x series to evolve.
>> How this sounds?
> I think breaking with 1.5 sounds good because it starts the second
> part of the 1.x series.
> 2.0 could be for the big overhaul that David has in mind, unless it
> will not be necessary anymore

I don't understand why there is any debate about what to call a
release that breaks ABI compatibility.  Robert Kern already reminded
the list of the "Report from SciPy" dated 2008-08-23:

 * The releases will be numbered major.minor.bugfix
 * There will be no ABI changes in minor releases
 * There will be no API changes in bugfix releases

If numpy-2.0 suddenly shows up at sourceforge, people will either
already be aware of the above convention, or if not they at least will
be more likely to wonder what precipitated the jump and be more likely
to read the release notes.

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