On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 10:25 PM, <josef.p...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 7:14 AM, Ralf Gommers
> <ralf.gomm...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > Hi David and all,
> >
> > I have a few questions on setting up the build environment on OS X for
> > Windows binaries. I have Wine installed with Python 2.5 and 2.6, MakeNsis
> > and MinGW. The first question is what is meant in the Paver script by
> "cpuid
> > plugin". Wine seems to know what to do with a cpuid instruction, but I
> can
> > not find a plugin. Searching for "cpuid plugin" turns up nothing except
> the
> > NumPy pavement.py file. What is this?
> >
> > Second question is about Fortran. It's needed for SciPy at least, so I
> may
> > as well get it right now. MinGW only comes with g77, and this page:
> > http://www.scipy.org/Installing_SciPy/Windows says that this is the
> default
> > compiler. So Fortran 77 on Windows and Fortran 95 on OS X as defaults, is
> > that right? No need for g95/gfortran at all?
> >
> > Final question is about Atlas and friends. Is 3.8.3 the best version to
> > install? Does it compile out of the box under Wine? Is this page
> > http://www.scipy.org/Installing_SciPy/Windows still up-to-date with
> regard
> > to the Lapack/Atlas info and does it apply for Wine?  And do I have to
> > compile it three times, with the only difference the '-arch' flag set to
> > "SSE2", "SSE3" and "<what's NoSSE?>"?
> Currently scipy binaries are build with MingW 3.4.5, as far as I know,
> which includes g77. The latest release of MingW uses gfortran, gcc
> 4.4.0

You mean gcc 3.4.5, and yes that's what I've got. MinGW itself is at version
5.1.6 now, and still include gcc and g77 3.4.5. Not sure where you see gcc
4.4.0 but I can easily have missed it on what surely has to be the worst
download page on SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/

> I think, that, eventually, scipy should switch to gfortran also on
> Windows. But it might need some compatibility testing.
> And it would be very useful if someone could provide the Lapack/Atlas
> binaries, similar to the ones that are on the scipy webpage for mingw
> 3.4.5. (I don't have a setup where I can build Atlas binaries).

Where are these binaries hidden? All I can find is

> I haven't switched yet, but, given some comments on the mailinglists,
> it looks like several windows users are using gfortran without
> reported problems.
> Makes sense to use the same Fortran compiler everywhere. gfortran works
well for me on OS X. Thanks Josef.

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