Kurt Smith wrote:

> I'm the developer of fwrap.  It is coming along, but will be at least
> a month, likely two before the first release.  (The main areas that
> need some TLC are the fortran parser and the build system; the build
> system will leverage numpy's distutils unless waf is easy to get
> working.) The first release will cover a large portion of f2py's
> current functionality, but I don't plan on having python callbacks
> working then.  Callbacks will be a part of the second release.
> An issue that you should be aware of is that fwrap will not work with
> f77, and requires gfortran 4.3.3 or greater, since it uses C
> interoperability features not available in f77.  (Fwrap will work with
> any 'modern' fortran compiler that has the basic C interoperability
> features implemented.  Looking around it appears that all of them do
> have the basic set necessary, see [1].  So this only excludes f77.)

By f77, do you mean g77, i.e. the fortran compiler in the GNU gcc 3.x 
suite ?

If so, that's quite a bummer for scipy. I don't see us removing support 
for g77 in the short or even mid term (many distributions depend on it, 
and that's not counting windows where there is still no gcc 4.x official 
support from MinGW).

Do you have a list somewhere of what exactly is required for fwrap from 
the fortran compiler ?


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