
I've attached a script I used to load the files, metadata and coordinates.

You owe me a donut.


On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 8:11 AM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn
<> wrote:
> Nicolas wrote:
>> Hello
>> a VERY specific question, but I thought someone in the list might have
>> used this dataset before and could give me some advice
>> I am trying to read the daily Antarctic Sea Ice Concentrations from
>> Nimbus-7 SMMR and DMSP SSM/I Passive Microwave Data, as provided by
>> the national snow and ice data center (, more
>> specifically, these are the files as downloaded from their ftp site
>> (
>> they are provided in binary files (e.g. nt_19980101_f13_v01_s.bin for
>> the 1st of Jan. 1998)
>> the metadata information
>> ( gives the
>> following information (for the polar stereographic projection):
>> """
>> Data are scaled and stored as one-byte integers in flat binary arrays
>> geographical coordinates
>> N: 90°     S: 30.98°     E: 180°     W: -180°
>> Latitude Resolution: 25 km
>> Longitude Resolution: 25 km
>> Distribution Size: 105212 bytes per southern file
>> """
>> I am unfamiliar with non self-documented files (used to hdf and netcdf
>> !) and struggle to make sense of how to read these files and plot the
>> corresponding maps, I've tried using the array module and the
>> fromstring function
>> file=open(filename,'rb')
>> a=array.array('B',
>> var=numpy.fromstring(a,
> Try
> numpy.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int8)
> or uint8, depending on whether the data is signed or not. What you did
> is also correct except that the final dtype must be np.int8.
> (You can always do var = var.astype( *afterwards* to convert to a
> bigger integer type.)
> Dag Sverre
> _______________________________________________
> NumPy-Discussion mailing list
Load data from SMMR and SSM/I ICE CONCENTRATION datasets.


The first 300 bytes contain the header. The data is stored as 1 byte integers. 

The number of columns is stored in the header[6:11] and the number of rows in header[12:17]

:author: David Huard <>
:date: September 2009

ltln_25n.msk : Latitude and longitude lines, ie crosshairs. 

Cells containing land, coast, the hole at the pole or missing data are 
indicated as follows:
  land : 254
  coast : 253
  hole : 251
  missing1 : 255

25km : (448, 304)

import numpy as np
import struct, os
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
PATH = '/home/data/seaice/'

def load_meta(filename):
    """Return the meta data about the file."""
    meta = {}
    f = open(filename, 'r')
    header =
    meta['filename'] =' \x00')
    meta['title'] =' \x00')
    meta['info'] =' \x00')
    h = [header[i:i+5] for i in range(0,122,6)]
    meta['missing'] = int(h[0])
    meta['ncols'] =  int(h[1])
    meta['nrows'] = int(h[2])
    meta['latitude'] = float(h[4])
    meta['orientation'] = float(h[5]) # With respect to Greenwich
    meta['pole_j'] = int(float(h[7]))
    meta['pole_i'] = int(float(h[8]))
    meta['instrument'] = h[9]
    meta['data descriptors'] = h[10]
    meta['julianday_start'] = h[11]
    meta['hour_start'] = h[12]
    meta['minute_start'] = h[13]
    meta['julianday_end'] = h[14]
    meta['hour_end'] = int(h[15])
    meta['minute_end'] = int(h[16])
    meta['year'] = int(h[17])
    meta['julianday'] = int(h[18])
    meta['channel'] = h[19]
    meta['scaling_factor'] = int(h[20])
    meta['packing'] = float(h[20])
        meta['date_start'] = datetime(int(h[17]), 1, 1, int(h[12]), int(h[13])) + timedelta(days=h[11])
    return meta

def read(filename):
    meta = load_meta(filename)
    s = (meta['nrows'], meta['ncols'])
    x = np.memmap(filename, dtype=np.uint8, mode='r', shape=s, offset=300)
    return x

def coords25():
    """Return the longitude and latitude of the stereographic grid for 25 km 
    s = (448, 304)
    lon = np.memmap(os.path.join(PATH, 'tools', 'psn25lons_v2.dat'), dtype='<i4', mode='r', shape=s)
    lat = np.memmap(os.path.join(PATH, 'tools', 'psn25lats_v2.dat'), dtype='<i4', mode='r', shape=s)
    return lon/100000., lat/100000.

def iceplot(a):
    """Plot an ice concentration array of the CAA.
    import matplotlib as mpl
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    sl =  slice(130, 350), slice(40, 250),
    a = a[sl]
    land = a == 254
    coast = a == 253
    hole = a == 251
    missing = a == 255
    # Plot the coast
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.imshow(, mask=np.logical_not(coast)),
    # Plot the ice concentration
    im = ax.imshow(, mask=a>250).round(2))
    cb = plt.colorbar(mappable=im, ticks=np.linspace(0,1,11))
    cb.set_label('Sea ice concentration')
    return fig
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