David Goldsmith wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 6:29 PM, Brennan Williams 
> <brennan.willi...@visualreservoir.com 
> <mailto:brennan.willi...@visualreservoir.com>> wrote:
>     I'm reading a file which contains a grid definition. Each cell in the
>     grid, apart from having an i,j,k index also has 8 x,y,z coordinates.
>     I'm reading each set of coordinates into a numpy array. I then want to
>     add/append those coordinates to what will be my large "points" array.
>     Due to the orientation/order of the 8 corners of each hexahedral
>     cell I
>     may have to reorder them before adding them to my large points array
>     (not sure about that yet).
>     Should I create a numpy array with nothing in it and then .append
>     to it?
>     But this is probably expensive isn't it as it creates a new copy
>     of the
>     array each time?
>     Or should I create a zero or empty array of sufficient size and
>     then put
>     each set of 8 coordinates into the correct position in that big array?
>     I don't know exactly how big the array will be (some cells are
>     inactive
>     and therefore don't have a geometry defined) but I do know what its
>     maximum size is (ni*nj*nk,3).
> Someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but this problem - the "best" 
> way to build a large array whose size is not known beforehand - came 
> up in one of the tutorials at SciPyCon '09 and IIRC the answer was, 
> perhaps surprisingly, build the thing as a Python list (which is 
> optimized for this kind of indeterminate sequence building) and 
> convert to a numpy array when you're done.  Isn't that what was 
> recommended, folks?
Build a list of floating point values, then convert to an array and 
shape accordingly? Or build a list of small arrays and then somehow 
convert that into a big numpy array?
I've got 24 floating point values which I've got in an array of shape 
(8,3) but I could easily have those in a list rather than an array and 
then just keep appending each small list of values to a big list and 
then do the final conversion to the array - I'll try that and see how it 

> DG
>     Thanks
>     Brennan
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