Hi Brennan & All,

On 29 March 2010 00:46, Brennan Williams wrote:
> Andrea Gavana wrote:
>> As for your question, the parameter are not spread completely
>> randomly, as this is a collection of simulations done over the years,
>> trying manually different scenarios, without having in mind a proper
>> experimental design or any other technique. Nor the parameter  values
>> vary only on one axis in each simulation (few of them are like that).
> I assume that there is a default "norm" that calculates the distance
> between points irrespective of the order of the input coordinates?
> So if that isn't working, leading to the spurious results, the next step
> is to normalise all the inputs so they are in the same range, e.g
> max-min=1.0

Scaling the input data using their standard deviation worked very well
for my case.

> On a related note, what approach would be best if one of the input
> parameters wasn't continuous? e.g. I have three quite different
> geological distributions called say A,B and C.
> SO some of my simulations use distribution A, some use B and some use C.
> I could assign them the numbers 1,2,3 but a value of 1.5 is meaningless.

Not sure about this: I do have integer numbers too (the number of
wells can not be a fractional one, obviously), but I don't care about
it as it is an input parameter (i.e., the user choose how many
o2/o3/injector wells he/she wants, and I get an interpolated
production profiles). Are you saying that the geological realization
is one of your output variables?

> Andrea, if you have 1TB of data for 1,000 simulation runs, then, if I
> assume you only mean the smspec/unsmry files, that means each of your
> summary files is 1GB in size?

It depends on the simulation, and also for how many years the forecast
is run. Standard runs go up to 2038, but we have a bunch of them
running up to 2120 (!) . As we do have really many wells in this
field, the ECLIPSE summary file dimensions skyrocket pretty quickly.

> Are those o2w,o3w and inw figures the number of new wells only or
> existing+new? It's fun dealing with this amount of data isn't it?

They're only new wells, with a range of 0 <= o2w <= 150 and 0 <= o3 <=
84 and 0 <= inw <= 37, and believe it or not, our set of simulations
contains a lot of the possible combinations for these 2 variables (and
the other 4 variables too)...


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