On Apr 18, 2010 6:46 PM, "Dan Roberts" <ademan...@gmail.com> wrote:

I've been trying my best to take my time formulating my replies but I need
to respond eventually. :-)
     This is embarassing, but I'm actually not sure where I talked about an
interface specifically.  I did rather nebulously talk about interfacing with
C code and LAPACK and the interfaces there would be provided by the
respective code and consumed by micronumpy, at least as I currently see it.
     I haven't consulted maciej about this yet, but I think working
backwards from a complete C NumPy depends on a great deal of "ifs", many of
which I think aren't satisfied.  I need to look into this, but I assume
NumPy operates on array structures directly, rather than through an
interface. If it's through an interface, there's a real possibility that
approach is possible, though it would require me to write some adaptors, I
think it would be ok, and a low enough time investment. Like I said I'm
currently speaking from ignorance so I need to look into it and get back to


P.S. I agree about the sparse matrices, I've bugged fijal a small bit about

P.P.S. Forgot to CC the mailing list... assumed this mail client would do it
for me.. lol

> On Apr 17, 2010 12:25 AM, "Stéfan van der Walt" <ste...@sun.ac.za> wrote:
> Hi Dan

> On 17 April 2010 06:50, Dan Roberts <ademan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>     Hi everybody, my name is Dan...

> Thanks for the introduction, and welcome to NumPy!

> >     I hadn't prepared for review by the NumPy mentors, but this can make
> proposal stronger t...

> This proposal builds a bridge between two projects, so even if it
> technically falls under the...

> >     Why should we bother reimplimenting anything?  PyPy, for those who
> unfamiliar, has the ...

> Your code has a fairly specialised application and it's worth
> discussing exactly where it wou...
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