Tue, 01 Jun 2010 16:59:47 +0900, David Cournapeau wrote:
> I have looked back into the way to convert the existing numpy svn
> repository into git. It went quite smoothly using svn2git (developed by
> the KDE team for their own transition), but there are a few questions
> which need to be answered:
>  - Shall we keep the old svn branches ? I think most of them are just
> cruft, and can be safely removed. We would then just keep the release
> branches

They mostly seem like leftovers and mostly merged to trunk, that's true. 
At least a prefix "svnbranch/**" should be added to them, if we are going 
to keep them at all.

Personally, I don't see problems in leaving them out.

> (in maintenance/***)

Why not release/** or releases/**? I'd suggest singular form here. What 
do other projects use?

Does having a prefix here imply something to clones?

>  - Tag conversion: svn has no notion of tags, so translating them into
>  git tags cannot be done automatically in a safely manner (and we do
> have some rewritten tags in the svn repo). I was thinking about creating
> a small script to create them manually afterwards for the releases, in
> the svntags/***.

Sounds OK.

>  - Author conversion: according to git, there are around 50 committers
> in numpy. Several of them are double and should be be merged I think
> (kern vs rkern, Travis' accounts as well), but there is also the option
> to set up real emails. Since email are "private", I don't want to just
> "scrape" them without asking permission first. I don't know how we
> should proceed here.

I don't think correcting the email addresses in the SVN history is very 
useful. Best probably just use some dummy form, maybe


or something similar to keep things simple.

Pauli Virtanen

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