I have a few radical suggestions:

1. Use ctypes as glue to the core DLL, so we can completely forget about refcounts and similar mess. Why put manual reference counting and error handling in the core? It's stupid.

2. The core should be a plain DLL, loadable with ctypes. (I know David Cournapeau and Robert Kern is going to hate this.) But if Python can have a custom loader for .pyd files, so can NumPy for it's core DLL. For ctypes we just need to specify a fully qualified path to the DLL, which can be read from a config file or whatever.

3. ctypes will take care of all the mess regarding the GIL. Again there is no need to re-invent the wheel. ctypes.CDLL releases the GIL when calling into C, and re-acquires before making callbacks to Python. ctypes.PyDLL keeps the GIL for legacy library code that are not threadsafe.

ctypes will also make porting to other Python implementations easier (or even other languages: Ruby, JacaScript) easier. Not to mention that it will make NumPy impervious to changes in the Python C API.

4. Write the core in C++ or Fortran (95/2003), not C. ANSI C (aka C89). Use std::vector<> instead of malloc/free for C++, and possibly templates for generics on various dtypes.

5. Allow OpenMP pragmas in the core. If arrays are above a certain size, it should switch to multi-threading.


Den 10.06.2010 15:26, skrev Charles R Harris:

A few thoughts came to mind while reading the initial writeup.

1) How is the GIL handled in the callbacks.
2) What about error handling? That is tricky to get right, especially in C and with reference counting. 3) Is there a general policy as to how the reference counting should be handled in specific functions? That is, who does the reference incrementing/decrementing? 4) Boost has some reference counted pointers, have you looked at them? C++ is admittedly a very different animal for this sort of application.


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