On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 10:27 PM, Sebastian Walter
<sebastian.wal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 6:48 PM, Sturla Molden <stu...@molden.no> wrote:
>> I have a few radical suggestions:
>> 1. Use ctypes as glue to the core DLL, so we can completely forget about
>> refcounts and similar mess. Why put manual reference counting and error
>> handling in the core? It's stupid.
> I totally agree, I  thought that the refactoring was supposed to provide
> simple data structures and simple algorithms to perform the C equivalents of
> sin,cos,exp, dot, +,-,*,/, dot, inv, ...
> Let me explain at an example what I expected:
> In the core C numpy library there would be new  "numpy_array" struct
> with attributes
>  numpy_array->buffer
>  numpy_array->dtype
>  numpy_array->ndim
>  numpy_array->shape
>  numpy_array->strides
>  numpy_array->owndata
> etc.
> that replaces the current  PyArrayObject which contains Python C API stuff:
> typedef struct PyArrayObject {
>        PyObject_HEAD
>        char *data;             /* pointer to raw data buffer */
>        int nd;                 /* number of dimensions, also called ndim */
>        npy_intp *dimensions;       /* size in each dimension */
>        npy_intp *strides;          /* bytes to jump to get to the
>                                   next element in each dimension */
>        PyObject *base;         /* This object should be decref'd
>                                   upon deletion of array */
>                                /* For views it points to the original array */
>                                /* For creation from buffer object it points
>                                   to an object that shold be decref'd on
>                                   deletion */
>                                /* For UPDATEIFCOPY flag this is an array
>                                   to-be-updated upon deletion of this one */
>        PyArray_Descr *descr;   /* Pointer to type structure */
>        int flags;              /* Flags describing array -- see below*/
>        PyObject *weakreflist;  /* For weakreferences */
>        void *buffer_info;      /* Data used by the buffer interface */
> } PyArrayObject;
> Example:
> --------------
> If one calls the following Python code
> x = numpy.zeros((N,M,K), dtype=float)
> the memory allocation would be done on the Python side.
> Calling a ufunc like
> y = numpy.sin(x)
> would first allocate the memory for y on the Python side
> and then call a C function a la
> numpy_unary_ufunc( double (*fcn_ptr)(double), numpy_array *x, numpy_array *y)
> If y is already allocated, one would call
> y = numpy.sin(x, out = y)
> Similarly z = x*y
> would first allocate the memory for z and then call a C function a la
> numpy_binary_ufunc( double (*fcn_ptr)(double, double), numpy_array *x,
> numpy_array *y, numpy_array *z)
> similarly other functions like dot:
> z = dot(x,y, out = z)
> would simply call a C function a la
> numpy_dot( numpy_array *x, numpy_array *y, numpy_array *z)
> If one wants to use numpy functions on the C side only, one would use
> the numpy_array struct manually.
> I.e. one has to do the memory management oneself in C. Which is
> perfectly ok since one is just interested in using
> the algorithms.

Anything non trivial will require memory allocation and object
ownership conventions. If the goal is interoperation with other
languages and vm, you may want to use something else than plain
malloc, to interact better with the allocation strategies of the host
platform (reference counting, garbage collection).

> The only reason I see for C++ is the possibility to use meta programming which
> is very ill-designed. I'd rather like to see some simple code
> preprocessing on C code than
> C++ template meta programming.

I don't think anyone is seriously considering changing languages.
Especially if interoperation is desired, C is miles ahead of C++

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