On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 6:05 AM, David Warde-Farley <d...@cs.toronto.edu>wrote:

> On 2010-08-01, at 12:38 PM, Ralf Gommers wrote:
> I am pleased to announce the availability of the first beta of NumPy 1.5.0.
> This will be the first NumPy release to include support for Python 3, as
> well as for Python 2.7. Please try this beta and report any problems on the
> NumPy mailing list.
> Binaries, sources and release notes can be found at
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/numpy/files/
> Please note that binaries for Python 3.1 are not yet up, they will follow
> as soon as a minor issue with building them is resolved. Building from
> source with Python 3.1 should work without problems.
> Hey Ralf,
> I am getting a single test failure:
> ======================================================================
> FAIL: test_special_values (test_umath_complex.TestClog)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File
> "/home/dwf/pkg/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/tests/test_umath_complex.py",
> line 275, in test_special_values
>     assert_almost_equal(np.log(np.conj(xa[i])), np.conj(np.log(xa[i])))
>   File "/home/dwf/pkg/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/testing/utils.py",
> line 443, in assert_almost_equal
>     raise AssertionError(msg)
> AssertionError:
> Arrays are not almost equal
>  ACTUAL: array([-inf+3.14159265j])
>  DESIRED: array([-inf-3.14159265j])
> >>  raise AssertionError('\nArrays are not almost equal\n ACTUAL:
> array([-inf+3.14159265j])\n DESIRED: array([-inf-3.14159265j])')
> This is on a Xeon E5540 built against the MKL 11.1, if that matters (I
> suspect it doesn't).
> May be related to the recent inf/nan changes, but this test has been
failing for a long time on Windows and was marked as knownfail in 1.4.1. It
doesn't look like a serious problem, so we may just mark it knownfail again.

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