Dear all,

Numpy SVN repository is now frozen, and does not accept new commits. 
Future development should end up in the Git repository:

The next things on the TODO list:

  - Update any links that point to
    or talk about SVN.

    E.g. needs updating.

  - Put up documentation on how to contribute to Numpy via Git.
    Gitwash-generated stuff could be added to the Numpy docs.

  - Decide if the `numpy-svn` email list is still needed.
    Github has RSS feeds for the repositories (but it can also send
    email to the list, if we want to keep the list alive).

  - Core devs: create accounts on and ask for push permissions
    to the numpy repository.

    Or, just push your changes to your personal forks, and send pull
    requests -- I'm sure we have enough people to handle it also
    this way.

  - Trac integration -- our bug DB will still stay at
    but other Trac functionality can maybe be integrated.


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