Dear Eric,

Sure, I will give you my code, but who will "follow this up"?

Eric Carlson ?????:
On 1/23/2011 10:36 AM, Vladimir Voznesensky wrote:
My computer has 12 hyperthreaded cores.
My application uses dot multiplication from Intel MKL, that accelerated
it by ~ 5 times.
After OpenMP-fication of loops.c.src, my app was accelerated by ~12-15

I was greatly disappointed in the parallel performance on a new workstation for some of my programs. I could not get better than about a factor of 5 on my dual xeon with 24 threads.

Last Fall, I stumbled across this example of OpenMP with f2py,

that I built on Ubuntu 10.04 x64 using (slightly different than the instructions):

f2py -c -m deemingomp periodogram.f90 --f90flags="-fopenmp " -lgomp -lf77blas -lcblas -latlas

On my machine for larger array sizes, I saw speed-ups of 20x over single thread in the example program. Indeed, the example serves as an excellent way to test the thermal stability of the workstation.

I did not get a chance to follow this up yet, but if you can get 12x improvement with normal numpy codes, I am very interested...


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