A Thursday 10 March 2011 20:29:00 Christopher Barker escrigué:
> I don't think so -- my approach is a lot simpler that I think carray
> is:
> it acts much like a python list:
> 1) it pre-allocates extra space when an array is created.

same for carray

> 2) when you append, it uses that extra space

ditto for carray

> 3) when the extra space is used up, it re-allocates the entire array,
> with some more extra room

again, carray works exactly the same: the extra room is just a new chunk

> And to keep it really simple, I'm using a numpy array internally, and
> np.ndarray.resize to grow it. It can only be grown on the first axis
> (C-order).

uh, very similar, except that due to the chunked nature of carray, it 
does not use `ndarray.resize`, but simply allocates a new chunk.

> > Perhaps it is a good time to join efforts and create a nice
> > 'growable' array package?
> Sure, but I don't know that I have much to offer, except maybe some
> test and timing code.

Well, that sounds like it could be a start.  Your experience with your 
package would be a nice thing to have.  BTW, can you remember me where 
it is your code?  Maybe I can get some ideas by looking at it.

> By the way, it would be great to have a growable array that could be
> efficiently used in Cython code -- so you could accumulate a bunch of
> native C datatype data easily.

As you noticed, chunks and carrays are both native Cython extensions, so 
it should be pretty easy to call them from Cython directly, avoiding the 
Python overhead.

Francesc Alted
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