
SciPy 2011 <http://conference.scipy.org/scipy2011/index.php>, the 10th
Python in Science conference, will be held July 11 - 16, 2011, in Austin,

At this conference, novel applications and breakthroughs made in the pursuit
of science using Python are presented. Attended by leading figures from both
academia and industry, it is an excellent opportunity to experience the
cutting edge of scientific software development.

The conference is preceded by two days of tutorials, during which community
experts provide training on several scientific Python packages.

*We'd like to invite you to consider presenting at SciPy 2011.*

The list of topics that are appropriate for the conference includes (but is
not limited to):
     * new Python libraries for science and engineering;
     * applications of Python to the solution of scientific or computational
     * high performance, parallel and GPU computing with Python;
     * use of Python in science education.

*Specialized Tracks*
This year we also have two specialized tracks. They will be run concurrent
to the main conference.

         *Python in Data Science
         Chair: Peter Wang, Streamitive, Inc.*
   This track focuses on the advantages and challenges of applying Python in
   the emerging field of "data science".  This includes a breadth of
   technologies, from wrangling realtime data streams from the social web,
   machine learning and semantic analysis, to workflow and repository
   management for large datasets.

         *Python and Core Technologies
         Chair: Anthony Scopatz, Enthought, Inc.*
   In an effort to broaden the scope of SciPy and to engage the larger
   community of software developers, we are pleased to introduce the _Python
   Core Technologies_ track. Talks will cover subjects that are not directly
   related to science and engineering, yet nonetheless affect scientific
   computing. Proposals on the Python language, visualization toolkits, web
   frameworks, education, and other topics are appropriate for this session.

*Talk/Paper Submission*

   We invite you to take part by submitting a talk abstract on the
   website at:
   Papers are included in the peer-reviewed conference proceedings, to be
   published online.

*Important dates for authors:*
   Friday, April 15: Tutorial proposals due (remember: stipends will be
provided for Tutorial instructors)

   Sunday, April 24: Paper abstracts due
   Sunday, May 8: Student sponsorship request due
   Tuesday, May 10: Accepted talks announced
   Monday, May 16: Student sponsorships announced
   Monday, May 23: Early Registration ends
   Sunday, June 20: Papers due
   Monday-Tuesday, July 11 - 12: Tutorials
   Wednesday-Thursday, July 13 - July 14: Conference
   Friday-Saturday, July 15 - July 16: Sprints

   The SciPy 2011 Team


Amenity Applewhite
Enthought, Inc. <http://www.enthought.com>
Scientific Computing Solutions
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