On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 8:57 AM, Mark Wiebe <mwwi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 8:53 PM, Charles R Harris <
> charlesr.har...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 7:46 PM, Wieland Brendel 
>> <wielandbren...@gmx.net>wrote:
>>>  > The equality being that the expression should be ~0?
>>> Exactly.
>>> > I see the problem when the last index is in the range 235 - 390.
>>> Good to see I am not the only one - I was getting crazy. Same range for me 
>>> by the way.**> Out of curiosity, which machine/OS are you using? I'm on 64 
>>> bit fedora 14,
>>> > AMD 940.
>>> I am using 64 bit Windows 7 / Intel i5 M 540 / Python(x,y) distribution / 
>>> Numpy 1.6 (latest, no RC)
>>> Any idea where that might come from? Looks like a very odd problem...
>>> Wieland
>>> PS: Its my first time on a mailing list - hope this mail actually replies 
>>> to the thread. If not: How do I reply?
>> You're doing fine. You have found a bug, not unexpected with einsum not
>> having been tested as much as the rest of the release since it is new and
>> hasn't been used before. Please open a ticket.
>> Chuck
> I've committed a fix to this, and a crash that I encountered when
> experimenting with it, to both master and the 1.6.1 branch. It turned out to
> be an incorrectly handled interaction in the iterator when the inner loop
> for the reduction case doesn't fit all the way in the buffer.
Fast work. Looks like we will need to put out a 1.6.1 in a month or so.
There is also a new ticket for f2py assumed size arrays. Hopefully (is that
the right word?), more bugs will turn up in that time frame.

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