On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 8:56 PM, Robert Love <rblove_li...@comcast.net>wrote:

> my_list = [[1960, 'W0'],[2001, 'D5']]
> my_arr = np.array(my_list, dtype=('uint', '|S2'))
> gives me an error I don't understand:
>      ValueError: mismatch in size of old and new data-descriptor
> What  are the old and new?  I get the same problem if try np.asarray()
> If  I make the dtype ('|S4', '|S4')  I can read in as strings without
> errors
> How do I convert a list of mixed types to a structured array?
> Thanks for any pointers.

my_list = [(1960, 'W0'),(2001, 'D5')]  # tuples inside
my_arr = np.array(my_list, dtype='uint, |S2')  # one dtype string
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