would anyone object to fixing the numpy mean and stdv functions, so that they 
always used a 64-bit value to track sums, or so that they used a running 
calculation.  That way 


would not equal 511.493408?


On May 31, 2011, at 6:08 PM, Charles R Harris wrote:

> Hi All,
> I've been contemplating new functions that could be added to numpy and 
> thought I'd run them by folks to see if there is any interest.
> 1) Modified sort/argsort functions that return the maximum k values.
>     This is easy to do with heapsort and almost as easy with mergesort.
> 2) Ufunc fadd (nanadd?) Treats nan as zero in addition. Should make a faster 
> version of nansum possible.
> 3) Fast medians.
> Chuck
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