To answer my own question, I guess I can keep appending to a array.array()
object and get a numpy.array from its buffer if possible.  Is that the
efficient way.

On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 2:35 AM, srean <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have an iterator that yields a complex object. I want to make an array
> out of a numerical attribute that the yielded object possesses and that too
> very efficiently.
> My initial plan was to keep writing the numbers to a StringIO object and
> when done generate the numpy array using StringIO's buffer. But fromstring()
> method fails on the StringIO object, so does fromfile() or using the
> StringIO object as the initializer of an array object.
> After some digging I ran in to this ticket htt
> that has been assigned a low
> priority.
> Is there some other way to achieve what I am trying ? Efficiency is
> important because potentially millions of objects would be yielded.
> -- srean
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