On Jun 29, 2011, at 1:37 AM, Mark Wiebe wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 3:45 PM, Pierre GM <pgmdevl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ...
> I think that would really take care of the missing data part in a consistent 
> and non-ambiguous way.
> However, I understand that if a choice would be made, this approach would be 
> dropped for the most generic "mask way", right ? (By "mask way", I mean 
> something that is close (but actually optimized) to thenumpy.ma approach).
> The NEP proposes strict NA missing value semantics, where the only way to get 
> at the masked values is by having another view that doesn't have the value 
> masked. If someone has use cases where this prevents some functionality they 
> need, I'd love to hear them. 

Mmh... Would you have an example ? I haven't caught up with my lack of sleep 

> So, taking this example
> >>> np.add(a, b, out=b, mask=(a > threshold))
> If 'b' doesn't already have a mask, masked values will be lost if we go the 
> mask way ? But kept if we go the bit way ? I prefer the latter, then
> Another advantage I see in the "bit-way' is that it's pretty close to the 
> 'hardmask' idea. You'll never risk to lose the mask as it's already "burned" 
> in the array...
> I've nearly finished this parameter, and decided to call it 'where' instead, 
> because it is operating like an SQL where clause. Here if neither a nor b are 
> masked array it will only modify those values of b where the 'where' 
> parameter has the value True.

OK, sounds fine. Pretty fine, actually. Just to be clear, if 'out' is not 
defined, the result is a masked array with 'where' as mask. What's the value 
below the mask ? np.NA ?

> And now for something not that completely different:
> * Would it be possible to store internally the addresses of the NAs only to 
> save some space (in the metadata ?) and when the .mask or .valid property is 
> called, to still get a boolean array with the same shape as the underlying 
> array ?
> Something like this could be possible, but would certainly complicate the 
> implementation. If it were desired, it would be a follow-up feature.

Oh, no problem. I was suggesting a way to save some space, but if it's too 
tricky to implement, forget it.
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