Mark Wiebe writes:

> On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 1:20 PM, Lluís <> wrote:
>     [...]
>> As far as I can tell, the only required difference between them is
>> that NA bit patterns must destroy the data. Nothing else. Everything
>> on top of that is a choice of API and interface mechanisms. I want
>> them to behave exactly the same except for that necessary difference,
>> so that it will be possible to use the *exact same Python code* with
>> either approach.
>     I completely agree. What I'd suggest is a global and/or per-object
>     "ndarray.flags.skipna" for people like me that just want to ignore these
>     entries without caring about setting it on each operaion (or the other
>     way around, depends on the default behaviour).
>     The downside is that it adds yet another tweaking knob, which is not
>     desirable...

> One way around this would be to create an ndarray subclass which
> changes that default. Currently this would not be possible to do
> nicely, but with the _numpy_ufunc_ idea I proposed in a separate
> thread a while back, this could work.

That does indeed sound good :)


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