qu...@gmx.at wrote:
> i have to reshape a matrix beta of the form (4**N, 4**N, 4**N, 4**N)
> into betam like (16**N, 16**N) following:
> betam = np.zeros((16**N,16**N), dtype = complex)
> for k in xrange(16**N):
>     ind1 = np.mod(k,4**N)
>     ind2 = k/4**N
>     for l in xrange(16**N):
>         betam[k,l] = beta[np.mod(l,4**N), l/4**N, ind1 , ind2]
> is there a smarter/faster way of getting the above done?

no time to check if this is what you want, but is this it?

a = np.arange((4**(4*N))).reshape(4**N,4**N,4**N,4**N)

b = a.reshape((16**N, 16**N))

If that doesn't do it right, you may be able to mess with the strides, 
etc. do some googling, and check out:



> for N=2, that already takes 0.5 seconds but i intend to use it
> for N=3 and N=4 ...
> thanks for your input,
> q

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