2011/10/28 Stéfan van der Walt <ste...@sun.ac.za>

> On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 3:21 PM, Benjamin Root <ben.r...@ou.edu> wrote:
> > The space issues was never ignored and Mark left room for that to be
> > addressed.  Parameterized dtypes can still be added (and isn't all that
> > different from multi-na). Perhaps I could be convinced of a having np.MA
> > assignments mean "ignore" and np.NA mean "absent".  How far off are we
> > really from consensus?
> Do you know whether Mark is around?  I think his feedback would be
> useful at this point; having written the code, he'll be able to
> evaluate some of the technical suggestions made.
Yes, Mark is around, but I assume he is interested in his school work at
this point. And he might not be inclined to get back into this particular
discussion. I don't feel he was treated very well by some last time around.

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