On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 1:41 PM, Benjamin Root <ben.r...@ou.edu> wrote:

> On Saturday, October 29, 2011, Charles R Harris <charlesr.har...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Who is counted in building a consensus? I tend to pay attention to those
> who have made consistent contributions over the years, reviewed code, fixed
> bugs, and have generally been active in numpy development. In any group
> participation is important, people who just walk in the door and demand
> things be done their way aren't going to get a lot of respect. I'll happily
> listen to politely expressed feedback, especially if the feedback comes from
> someone who shows up to work, but that hasn't been my impression of the
> disagreements in this case. Heck, Nathaniel wasn't even tracking the Numpy
> pull requests or Mark's repository. That doesn't spell "participant" in my
> dictionary.
> >
> > Chuck
> >
> This is a very good point, but I would highly caution against alienating
> anybody here.  Frankly, I am surprised how much my opinion has been taken
> here given the very little numpy code I have submitted (I think maybe two or
> three patches).  The Numpy community is far more than just those who use the
> core library. There is pandas, bottleneck, mpl, the scikits, and much more.
>  Numpy would be nearly useless without them, and certainly vice versa.
I was quite impressed by your comments on Mark's work, I thought they were
excellent. It doesn't really take much to make an impact in a small
community overburdened by work.

> We are all indebted to each other for our works. We must never lose that
> perspective.
> We all seem to have a different set of assumptions of how development
> should work.  Each project follows its own workflow.  Numpy should be free
> to adopt their own procedures, and we are free to discuss them.
> I do agree with chuck that he shouldn't have to make a written invitation
> to each and every person to review each pull.  However, maybe some work can
> be done to bring the pull request and issues discussion down to the mailing
> list. I would like to do something similar with mpl.
> As for voting rights, let's make that a separate discussion.
With such a small community, I'd rather avoid the whole voting thing if

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