Actually this can be a good idea. i didn't thought using he sorting.
i'll try

thanks for yours ideas

2011/12/7 Tony Yu <>

> On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 2:51 AM, Xavier Barthelemy <>wrote:
>> ok let me be more precise
>> I have an Z array which is the elevation
>> from this I extract a discrete array of Zero Crossing, and another
>> discrete array of Crests.
>> len(crest) is different than len(Xzeros). I have a threshold method to
>> detect my "valid" crests, and sometimes there are 2 crests between two
>> zero-crossing (grouping effect)
>> Crest and Zeros are 2 different arrays, with positions. example:
>> Zeros=[1,2,3,4] Arrays=[1.5,1.7,3.5]
>> and yes arrays can be sorted. not a problm with this.
>> Xavier
>> I may be oversimplifying this, but does searchsorted do what you want?
> In [314]: xzeros=[1,2,3,4]; xcrests=[1.5,1.7,3.5]
> In [315]: np.searchsorted(xzeros, xcrests)
> Out[315]: array([1, 1, 3])
>  This returns the indexes of xzeros to the left of xcrests.
> -Tony
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