Sending this again (sorry Robert, this will be the second time
for you) since I sent from a non-subscribed email address the
first time.

On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 7:12 PM, Robert Kern wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 19:10, Peter wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Is there a recommended (and ideally cross platform)
>> way to load the frames of a QuickTime movie (*.mov
>> file) in Python as NumPy arrays? ...
> I've had luck with pyffmpeg, though I haven't tried
> QuickTime .mov files:

Thanks for the suggestion.

Sadly right now pyffmpeg won't install on Mac OS X,
at least not with the version of Cython I have installed:

There doesn't seem to have been any activity on the
official repository for some time either.

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