On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 10:19 PM, Scott Sinclair
<scott.sinclair...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think (as usual), the problem is that fixing the situation lies on
> the shoulders of people who are already heavily overburdened..

I certainly understand that problem, as I'm eternally behind on a
million things regarding ipython.

But the only solution to these problems is delegation, not asking the
already overburdened few to work even harder than they already do.  I
wonder if we could distribute the process of managing the websites a
little more for numpy/scipy, so this didn't bottleneck as much.

Furthermore, managing those is the kind of task that can be
accomplished by someone who may not feel comfortable touching the
numpy C core, and yet it's a *great* way to help the project out.

In ipython, we've moved to github-pages hosting for everything, which
means that now having a web team is as easy as clicking on the github
interface a couple of times, and that's one more task we can get help
on from others.   In fairness, right now the ipython-web team is the
same people as the core, but at least things are in place to accept
new hands helping should they become available, without any conflict
with core development.

Just a thought.


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