On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 6:36 PM, Charles R Harris

> On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 9:58 AM, Bruce Southey <bsout...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  On 02/01/2012 02:53 PM, Charles R Harris wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Two things here.
>> 1) Some macros for threading and the iterator now require a trailing
>> semicolon. This change will be reverted before the 1.7 release so that
>> scipy 0.10 will compile, but because it is desirable in the long term it
>> would be helpful if folks maintaining c extensions using numpy would try
>> compiling them against current development and adding the semicolon where
>> needed. The added semicolon will be backward compatible with earlier
>> versions of numpy.
>> Why do the changes need to "be reverted before the 1.7 release'?
>> Scipy 0.10 was released nearly three months ago so we should be moving
>> forward. I think this is not the first time a released scipy would not
>> build with the 'future' numpy. But most of the scipy 0.10 downloads are
>> binaries so I presume that this change should not affect those users. But
>> if this is such a major downstream problem, just have a very, very minor
>> bug-fix very much restricted to this issue. If the changes do not affect
>> binary users then perhaps just a re-release of the source archives would be
>> needed rather than a full bug release.
I don't think that it has happened in the recent past that the last
released version of scipy wouldn't build with the last released numpy. And
it would be a problem IMHO. The alternative would be to do a 0.10.1 release
for this.


> That was Ralph's preference.
>> 2) It is proposed to deprecate all of the macros in the old_defines.h
>> file and require the use of their replacements. Numpy itself will have made
>> this change after pull-189 <https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/189> is
>> merged and getting rid of the surplus macros will help clean up the
>> historical detritus that has built up over the years, easing maintenance,
>> clarifying code, and making the eventual transition to 2.0 a bit easier.
>> There is a sed script in the tools directory as part of the pull request
>> that can be used to make the needed substitutions.
>> Isn't this just formalizing the name changes that has been happening for
>> some time in 'core/include/numpy/old_defines.h'?
>> That is people have really been using the 'new macros' for ages, just
>> that these have been 'called' with the old names. If so, I would be support
>> an aggressive stance for those changes are just renaming and the slow
>> depreciation cycle for other cases.
> Yes, the macro functionality is the same, just the names have changed.
> I'm also going to update all the noprefix macro uses in numpy in a
> separate pull request. I expect that will be more disruptive.
> Chuck
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